Fronteiras Institute

The Fronteiras Institute manages transborder cooperation networks, creating collective and innovative solutions to socio-environmental problems in the Juruá Valley

We promote relevant local changes, reversing behaviors that are destructive to nature, regenerating ecosystems and their communities, and strengthening transformative trajectories, aimed at a sustainable future.

We call ourselves Fronteiras because we concentrate our efforts on the frontiers that are formed here and now, in the unique context in which we find ourselves.

We think about the future!

That's why we align our actions with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

We are based in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

We act within a network of native communities, privileging collective and synergic work that involves private and public institutions, which include associations, NGOs, foundations, universities and companies, seeking collaboration for socioeconomic and environmental development projects. In the search for solutions to the complex issues of our frontiers, we promote training within cooperation networks, new social technologies for the growth of human and social capital, socio-environmental and gender equity, and the sustainable use of natural resources.

We work on a local and regional scale, networking with various other institutions and groups with the purpose of establishing productive connections in socially and environmentally sustainable projects. Our territorial focus is the Western Brazilian Amazon with all of its own geographical, social, economical, cultural and political-institutional frontier regions.

We are based in the heart of the Amazon forest, in the Juruá Valley, in the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, in Acre. Our work encompasses the states of Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso and São Paulo.

And this is our structure.

Our base is in the Juruá Valley, in the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, in Acre.

Meet the ones who make this happen.

Our partner communities.

Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute

We support various institutional strengthening processes from the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute, under the leadership of Benki Piyãko, and with the support of Jovens Guerreiros Guardiões da Floresta (the Young Warrior Guardians of the Forest), in the Alto Juruá Basin.

The Puyanawa People

The partnership between Fronteiras and the Puyanawa people began with the process that originated the 1st Indigenous Conference on Ayahuasca “in 2017” and has since materialized into various improvement projects for infrastructure in their communities and for the institutional strengthening of their representative authorities.

The Shanenawa People

In the Katukina-Kaxinawá Indigenous Land, we focus our efforts on strengthening the work of women’s leadership on diverse fronts: cultural recovery, institutional and political strengthening, and communication.

Riozinho da Liberdade RESEX

Guided by the ideal of a collective construction of Juruá Valley’s historicity, we co-created transformative learning trajectories and remembering, desiring the construction of new futures for the Extractive Reserve populations.

Juruá Network

Guided by the meetings of the river, the Juruá Network seeks to generate solutions to complex socio-environmental problems that affect artisanal fishing communities, coordinating traditional knowledge and contemporary technologies toward nature-based regenerative economies.

The Katukina People

Legal support and institutional strengthening for the Katukina people, with focus on the Varinawa and Samaúma village associations.

Follow our positive transborder results


Follow the evolution of the projects with their records and history of activities.

Studies and Analyses

Documents and dashboards of community project results.

Publications and Podcasts

Books, booklets, articles and podcasts that symbolize the eternalization of learning.

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